Friday, January 31, 2014

February 6th - Responsive Web Apps and Structured Logging

We have two speakers lined up for next Thursday:

Darcy Buttrose (BankWest) will be talking about using ASP.NET WebApi 2 to implement a Web API service and using a WebSocketHandler to implement WebSockets. The practical demonstration will combine both of these technologies together with AngularJS to provide a fast and responsive web application. Darcy will also talk about SignalR as an alternative to WebSocketHandler.


Michael Minutillo (The Birchman Group) will be talking about structured logging with Serilog and developing insight into application events with Seq.

Remember that our venue is changed this year and is now at BankWest Plaza (300 Murray St).

What: Darcy Buttrose on building fast and responsive web applications & Mike Minutillo on structured logging.
When: Thursday February 6th, 2014. 5:30pm-> 7pm
Where: BankWest Plaza (300 Murray St.). Look for the Bankwest foyer on the Murray St side of Raine Square. Someone will be in the foyer to escort you from there (and I should be there too).
Cost: Free. All Welcome!

Tell your colleagues. Tell your friends. Tell your dog (although obviously he/she probably can't come on the night). I'll see you all next Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. If anybody is interested in the code from lastnights presentation on WebApi2 and WebSockets please email me on
