Sorry for the late notice on this one. Entirely my fault.
The September meeting is this Thursday (4th Sep) and we have two great speakers lined up:
First up we have Stephen Price giving a presentation called Cross Platform (Four of them) with Xamarin
Bio: Stephen is a .Net developer who's spent more than his fair share of Front End development using XAML and more recently HTML/Javascript technologies. Game.
Then we have Rhys Campbell with a talk called "Rhys' Web toolkit - Service, plugins and patterns making my life easier"
Abstract: It's basically a wrap up of the things that have made my life easier (and things that haven't) while working on both successful enterprise and start up code based over the last 12 months. The talk covers Developer focused tooling but also highlight things to consider if you are involved in a Start Up or looking to do something on the side.
What: Cross-Platform with Xamarin and Rhys' Web Toolkit
When: Thursday 4th September, 5:30pm
Where: Level 1, 300 Murray Street
Cost: Free. All welcome.
Please forward this to everyone, bring it up at your stand-up tomorrow, chat about it at lunch and print out a copy and tape it to your bus-stop.
I haven't gone to the .net user group before. Do i have to do anything to sign up?